Virtual consultation, technical assistance and training for early learning and care staff is available to promote the social and emotional health of children, families and programs as they work to provide services and support during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The California Inclusion and Behavior Consultation (CIBC) Network is a professional development project funded by the Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) of the California Department of Education (CDE) and is coordinated by the WestEd Center for Prevention and Early Intervention. The CIBC Network is designed to deliver technical support to early care and education programs.
A network of experienced, local consultants provides on-site consultation to build the capacity of program staff to respond effectively to children with special needs or challenging behaviors. Consultants have knowledge of relationship-based practices and community resources and are skilled in problem-solving issues around inclusion and challenging behaviors.
Consultants meet with staff, observe the environment, facilitate reflective practice conversations, collaborate on the development of an action plan for the teacher or provider, and support implementation of those plans.
CIBC serves the following programs throughout California:
- Center-based early care and education programs that contract with CDE-ELCD;
- Center-based early care and education programs that participate in their local quality rating and improvement system (CA-QRIS);
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- Family child care programs that contract with CDE-ELCD; and
- Family child care programs that participate in their local Quality Counts California (QCC).
Center-based program administrators and teaching staff may submit 永久免费ss节点二维码 - 好看123:2021-6-13 · 1.2021/6/10最新免费SS/SSR节点 账号二维码及链接分享免费共享 点击前往 网站介绍:3天前 - 虽然现在网上有很多免费的ssr节点、ss节点,但由于是免费、多人共同使用,速度比较慢,严重影响效率,而且安全性非常低,建议大家还是购买收费的ss节点,不 .... Family child care providers and agency staff supporting family child care programs may submit technical assistance requests online or via the CIBC phone line: 1(877) 524-2422. Once a TA request is received, CIBC staff will contact the requesting party to discuss their needs.